Tuesday 20 September 2016


Tuesday 20 September 2016

Ever since I started choosing ‘Homes and Gardens’ over ‘Girl Talk’ at the age of 10, I’ve been looking forward to decorating a space outside of my family home. After taking a gap year due to extreme terror as opposed to wanderlust, I can’t deny that I’m purely using uni as an excuse to buy homeware. Here’s what I’ve bought so far:


Luckily, my mum knows my penchant for pretty plates so she’s been picking up bits and pieces of crockery and  glassware for me whenever she’s spied something that’s ‘SO YOU!!’

If having a shelf in a shared uni kitchen qualifies having a theme, then I’ve gone for pink, green and blue. Personally, I like things to be quite mismatchy so if you break something it’s easy to replace when your student loan rolls back around.  Also it just looks cute. My plates and bowls are from Waitrose as well as a few of the glasses. My mum got the martini glass from a charity shop, the flowery glass is actually a plastic picnic cup from M&S, and the flamingo glass is from IKEA. I don’t actually like tea but mum couldn't resist the kitschy teapot from the charity shop so hey, looks like I’m becoming a fully fledged tea drinker now. I am a big fan of hot chocolate though so I’ve got two mugs, both of which were gifts from who knows where (sorry). And, as a ‘special treat’, I got to pick my cutlery from TK MAXX and I don’t know why I love it as much as I do.

Utensil-wise, I went on the coming-of-age trip to IKEA and picked up a load of stuff for under £50. Of all the  beautiful Swedish paraphernalia I could have bought, I went for: a pack of three  saucepans of varying sizes; a big frying pan; two roasting tins; an INGENIOUS oven proof glass dish come tupperware box; a whole heap of your average run-of-the-mill tupperware boxes; a spatula, ladle and spaghetti spoon; wooden spoon and spatula; colander; cheese grater; a set of knives; some teatowels; two plastic chopping boards and I think that’s everything.

Shout out to Great Aunt Fanny for bravely stepping where my parents refused to go; apparently they had a painful experience in an IKEA once and solemnly swore never to set foot in one again.

I also got a garlic presser from Tiger and a silicon spatula from Poundland and I’m not really sure why. 


I have a shared bathroom at uni so I got a basket from TK MAXX to keep all of my toiletry bits and bobs together. My nan bought me some towels from Waitrose, and my friend’s lovely mum (who’s B&B work at) gave me a basket full of cleaning products which was so sweet! However, I think I’ll have to keep that hidden so I don’t end up being my flat’s designated cleaning lady.


This is the BEST BIT. I put a lot of market research -rather Pinterest browsing- into this and I pray that the pine furniture is not enough to deter me in my decorating efforts. I am beyond happy that I have a double bed and I have one set of nice bedding from Urban Outfitters and a set of plain white. I also have a nice throw from Oliver Bonas (which also doubles up as a nice photo backdrop fyi) so that will jazz up the plain linen when the fun stuff’s in the wash. I have a lovely set of copper pegs that will hook over my door to allow for some extra hanging space; I’m thinking laundry bag, coats and bags.

For decoration, I’ve accumulated a collection of cacti and succulents which is of course an intrinsic part of going to uni. I’ve also spent too long making little tassel garlands which I’m planning on erecting alongside some fairy lights. Additionally I have lots of photos and illustrations I’m going to cover my pinboard with in the hopes that it will make my desk area look less brown and ugly.
Personally, the desk area is the most important part. I’m studying Graphic Design so I’ll be spending a lot of time working there and I need to be surrounded by nice stuff to make nice stuff. I’ve bought way too much stationery including a budget book, 17 month agenda, various notebooks and sketchbooks and lots of stickers? Because I’m 12? Anyway, I’m one of those rare people who actually uses that kind of stuff and it makes me so HAPPY. 

Finally, I got a few miscellaneous uni essentials: bag clips, straws, shot glasses and command strips. 

So there you go, a few things to make uni less painful. Enjoy and try not to spend your student loan on homeware. Or do, it’s up to you.


Thursday 7 January 2016

Swan Song

Thursday 7 January 2016
Ok, so this is the complete opposite of a swan song, because it's my first post in, what? A million years? I'd say it's more like a hippo who's come crawling back to the waterhole after a long drought- cute. Beside, there are no hippos where I live, only a terrifyingly boisterous flock of swans who like to spend more time hissing at the dogs walking along the harbour than looking after their fuzzy little offspring.

However, despite my fear of feathered fiends, Laura and I ventured out into the bird filled abyss to take some pictures for our blogs. As you'll soon see, I was definitely swayed by one shop in particular in the sales, so don't be too offended by my lack of versatility. You can always look at Laura's blog for something more interesting oops.

All Zara everything. Very creative, I know. I've wanted an a-line skirt for ages, and I really like this one in particular as it's corduroy and has a pleat at the front with accented white seams. I've also tried to branch out from the breton, so instead of reaching for a trusty striped tee, I went for this polka dot number with a high neck.


I also treated myself to some new make up, namely from my absolute fave, Charlotte Tilbury. I'm planning on doing more make up posts soon, so I won't go into too much detail here. However I will say that the lipstick I'm wearing is Flat Out Fabulous by MAC, which I've previously only ever worn for dance competitions (the only way I could get my mum to buy it for me was because it matched the colour of my tutu).

 Quelle surprise, the coat is also from Zara, and it has scary leather sleeves which I'm still trying to get used to.


Tuesday 2 September 2014

The Liebster Award

Tuesday 2 September 2014

I haven't posted for an embarrassingly long amount of time, but it's four in the morning, I'm horribly jet lagged and I've been nominated to do the Liebster Award by my friend Laura. I'm going to try and blog more now I'm feeling a little more inspired, but who knows, this is a big ol' year with A Levels and all!

The rules for the award are as follows:

● You must answer 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you
● You must link back to the person that nominated you
● You must nominate 11 bloggers and give them 11 new questions
● You can not nominate the person who nominated you
● You need to leave your nominees a link to your post so they can know what to do

1- What would your dream job be?

Ultimately,  I'd love to be creative art director for a fashion/ lifestyle/ design magazine, as it combines a lot of my interests,  the most prominent being graphic design (which I'll be -hopefully- studying at uni)

2- What is your favourite sound to fall asleep to?

I find it near impossible to fall asleep in a silent room as I'm quite prone to staying awake for hours, stressing over pointless details which is really frustrating! I tend to listen to podcast or long, rambly vlogs as I find talking much more comforting and distracting than music.

3- What has been the strangest experience of your life?

I feel like laura asked me this with a specific answer already in mind! For those who don't know (which are far and few between because I talk about you a whole lot!), Laura is one of my best friends from primary school (and she still is!) but I moved pretty far away from my home town at the start of secondary school,  so it's much harder to see each other as regularly as we used to. This is why it was so strange to see her twice while road tripping around America! We spent ages getting lost in Vegas before moving on to sitting in our hotel lobby at the Grand Canyon making super weird snapchat stories and  talking about 'Spywatch' and other nostalgic things from our past.

4- Are there any tv shows/films you can watch over and over without getting bored?

Friends without a doubt! I'm not really into TV as I'm more likely to spent hours watching youtube, but there's nothing better than watching episodes of Friends over and over as I'm preettttty familiar with the episodes after being given the box set a couple of years back.

5- Do you prefer taking photos or having your photo taken?

I find it hard to be the centre of attention so I much prefer being behind the lens! I don't completely refuse to having my picture taken, especially with friends, as  I think it's important to have a documentation of your life in some form, and I really love looking though old albums.

6- Do you want children? If so, how many?

I'm pretty sure I'll have children as my mum really wants to be a granny and at the wise old age of 13, my younger sister has outright refused as it would ruin her 'party lifestyle'. I think two is probably a good number as ultimately,  it's nice to have the company of a sibling around when growing up.

7- What is your most expensive item of clothing?

This is tricky as I do not have a lot of cash to throw around on clothing, but maybe my doc martens?

8- Do you regularly read any magazines/newspapers?

I've been massive magazine hoarder from the age of about 12 when, to my mum's surprise,  I would save up to buy issues of 'Ideal Home' and consequently covet a variety of home decor as a consequence.  Currently,  I have a subscription to Company magazine and the National Geographic Traveller.

9- How often do you paint your nails?

It's usually as often as my nails look kind of gross and I need to cover them up in some kind of way which is nice (cute answer)

10- Have you ever dyed your hair? If so, what colours?

Yes, I've been subject to many a dip dye (blonde, lilac, blue and very briefly pink) before chopping it all off.

11- Do you have/have you had any pets?

I have a lovely little bunny who I love to pieces called Geoffrey.  He's a dwarf lion hair rabbit amf he is adorable!

12- Which is your favourite Harry Potter book/film?

My favourite film is the Order of the Phoenix because I love the scene where Fred and George burst in to the exam because the music is so good and it makes me really happy! And my favourite book would be the third one because I love the way Stephen Fry reads the audio book of it (another thing I listen to when I'm trying to sleep!)

Thank you so much to Laura for tagging me! I now nominate Ellie, Beth, Amber and Amy. Here are your questions:

1. What is your favourite childhood memory to look back on?

2. If you could have a wild animal as a pet (without it being cruel) what would you pick and why?

3. What does your bedroom look like?

4. In an ideal world: vintage,  highstreet or designer?

5. What/ who are your biggest inspirations?

6. If you could only listen to five songs for the rest of your life, what would they be? (sorry that's a hard one, you'll probably hate me for it!)

7. Where is your favourite place to eat out?

8. If you could have anyone read your blog,  who would you chose?

9. Is there a book you really want to read?

10. Where would you love to live, given the chance?

11. What is your most prized possession?

I don't think I quite stuck to the rules -oops- but I hope hope you all enjoy answering/ reading these questions and you have a happy September!

Tuesday 10 December 2013

analogue rules

Tuesday 10 December 2013
Just went to get some photos developed from my first roll of film on my film camera :))

my sister in christchurch

was attacked by these swans shortly afterwards

mum and dad :))

me and my sister

pol and her sizzling relationship with her tea

i fell of the chair

fun sky

gaby was replaced by tracy beaker

Saturday 2 November 2013

Imagine the clouds dripping. Dig a hole in your garden to put them in.

Saturday 2 November 2013

Half term has been a bit of an odd one I have to say, albeit lovely in the end. My cousins came over from Yorkshire for the weekend which was really nice as I haven't seen them for ever so long and we spent the majority of the weekend shopping and eating out at nice places which always goes down well with me. I spied a beautiful children's desk in a oval French style furniture shop, which my nan very kindly offered to buy me for my (very very very early) birthday present. It's a quaint little thing and my sewing machine etc fits perfectly on top of it. It inspired me to revamp my bedroom and I'm pretty happy with it, although I'll undoubtedly move it around soon. 

The rest of the half term festivities occurred in Bournemouth in a manic attempt to visit as many friends and family members as possible in a very short amount of time. Being the fabby friend that I am, I went to go and give Laura some flowers a she's just had her tonsils taken out, BUT I MISSED HER, and gave the flowers to her mum instead (and now me and Mrs Laura's Mum are closer than Laura and I ever were). I also visited my great aunty and uncle, who gave me and dad free reign of his record shop for the morning which was amazing. I didn't have quite the same budget as my dad to blow ( just under £200!! ) but I spent a tenner and he gave me a load for free :)))))

I think my favourite buy was Bowie and Jagger's version of 'dancing in the street' and it's safe to say I found my OTP. Just watch the music video and you won't be watching/thinking about anything else ever again. It's just beautiful and makes my tummy go all squiggly because AW


ps. I'm really sorry but blogger won't let me reply to everybody's comments for some reason, so I just wanted to let you know that I read all of them, I just can't always reply :(( 

Friday 1 November 2013

Every time I see you in the world, you always step to my girl

Friday 1 November 2013
This is just a quickie, but it's November, which in my opinion, means it's nearly christmas and I'm so excited! My birthday is on christmas day, so my mum's been frantically asking me what I want so she can tell my family etc which lead to to compile this list of possible presents (please please please please) which I thought I'd share with you all.

I absolutely love this jumper and dress from zara and I just want to look like her, she's perfect

yay for mermaid hair, pretty perfume and polaroid cameras :))))

I got carried away on the topshop website
these are my dream boots and this bag is just beautiful
Some of this stuff is pretty expensive and undoubtedly out of reach, but a girl can dream!

Saturday 26 October 2013

lend me your heart, and I'll just let you fall

Saturday 26 October 2013
- insta pics -

Long time no blog, aha, ah ah ... sorry. Blah blah blah I've been busy but school's out now so let the party begin! ~ proceeds to sit in room and rock in a corner due to lack of things to do ~

I recently discovered Bleach London hair dye, and instantly set my heart on dip dying my hair all manner of beautiful colours. However, due to lack of both money and stock at my local boots, I just brought 'blulini' and I absolutely love it. I've tried colouring my hair millions of times before and it's just never worked, but thanks to all my insta buddies for spamming my feed with pictures from Bleach London's page, I'm all mermaided up. I have a feeling pretty much every colour in the range is going to be making their way onto my christmas list. Although, as of friday as a notice from our head of year , it seems that sixth formers are no longer allowed to dye their hair an 'unnatural' colour; it was like she was sending me an indirect tweet.


 I've also been lusting after all kinds of close, and surprise surprise, found an outfit I can afford! I saw this picture on the Topshop website the other day and completely fell in love with the outfit, which yay, I'm going to buy asap :)))

This post was a bit of a shorty, but it's half term now so imma try and take some photos etc; I'm going to Bournemouth to see some family and maybe some friends (( laura get yo ass better rn )) so I'll try and do a little travel journal. My film camera should be all used up soonish, so i'll get that developed and post those at some point too.
. + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio