Saturday 2 November 2013

Imagine the clouds dripping. Dig a hole in your garden to put them in.

Saturday 2 November 2013

Half term has been a bit of an odd one I have to say, albeit lovely in the end. My cousins came over from Yorkshire for the weekend which was really nice as I haven't seen them for ever so long and we spent the majority of the weekend shopping and eating out at nice places which always goes down well with me. I spied a beautiful children's desk in a oval French style furniture shop, which my nan very kindly offered to buy me for my (very very very early) birthday present. It's a quaint little thing and my sewing machine etc fits perfectly on top of it. It inspired me to revamp my bedroom and I'm pretty happy with it, although I'll undoubtedly move it around soon. 

The rest of the half term festivities occurred in Bournemouth in a manic attempt to visit as many friends and family members as possible in a very short amount of time. Being the fabby friend that I am, I went to go and give Laura some flowers a she's just had her tonsils taken out, BUT I MISSED HER, and gave the flowers to her mum instead (and now me and Mrs Laura's Mum are closer than Laura and I ever were). I also visited my great aunty and uncle, who gave me and dad free reign of his record shop for the morning which was amazing. I didn't have quite the same budget as my dad to blow ( just under £200!! ) but I spent a tenner and he gave me a load for free :)))))

I think my favourite buy was Bowie and Jagger's version of 'dancing in the street' and it's safe to say I found my OTP. Just watch the music video and you won't be watching/thinking about anything else ever again. It's just beautiful and makes my tummy go all squiggly because AW


ps. I'm really sorry but blogger won't let me reply to everybody's comments for some reason, so I just wanted to let you know that I read all of them, I just can't always reply :(( 

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